NebulaOneTM and HOCL NEWS

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Increased Air Flow May Not Be Good

Controlling transmission of harmful pathogens via HVAC systems is very complicated. What makes one room safe may be harmful in another. The “summary” of the paper quoted below(a) describes how making air safe is hard to do. Why not treat the air that is circulating with airborne safe and organic EPA registered hypochlorous to kill the bad pathogens before they circulate? Our NebulaOne brings safety back to your workspace and gatherings. 

Why is this important? In a study spanning decades(b) research found rhinovirus, RSV, influenza A&B, parainfluenza, and now Covid are produced by simply breathing out pathogens from the “deep lung.” These microscopic pathogens may be present in the room for hours. Proactive treatment of the breathable air with our NebulaOne process can give peace of mind for business and customers.

We build the NebublaOne to help our fellow mankind. Easy, Safe and Simple. Results in minutes. No mask, gloves, PPE, or evacuation.

Call or write to me for more details! I’d love to hear from you. Find more information or

(a) Vigorous and rapid air exchanges might not always be a good thing when it comes to levels of coronavirus particles in a multiroom building, according to a new modeling study. Particle levels can spike in downstream rooms shortly after rapid ventilation.

(b) The exhaled aerosol particles are generated by normal breathing in the deep lung through reopening of collapsed small airways during inspiration. These mucus/surfactant aerosols (size range between 0.2 and 0.6um) can transport viruses out of the lungs of patients and be present in the room air for hours.

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